Look back at what has been discussed in this Learning Action 1 and reflect on the following questions:
We conclude Learning Action 1 Change Project Assignment Part 1 – Context, policy and institutional vision and mission review
Part 1 of the Change Project involves consolidating, confirming and refining your choice of ESD Change Project with members of your community of practice. This stage of developing the ESD Change Project will involve reviewing policy and contextual changes and challenges more carefully in your context in order to make sure that the ESD integration opportunities you have identified initially are well situated, and are relevant to your institution’s programmes, curricula and whole institution development plans, as well as to national policy and the SDGs.
Work through the Learning Action 1 Text with members of your community of practice, and undertake a review of your institution’s vision and mission statement and relevant national policy to identify the extent to which ESD is integrated or not. Identify what local sustainable development challenges are found in your local context, what local intangible heritage resources can be mobilised for ESD, and what place-based learning opportunities exist in your context.
Based on this, make recommendations on:
Prepare a presentation on your proposed ESD Change Project (2 slide) and also include the review of your institution’s vision and mission statement (1 slide) and relevant national policies to identify the extent to which ESD is integrated or not (1 slide).
Assignment Guidelines
Presentation as a PowerPoint/pdf document or a short written text
Maximum of 8 pages or 8 ppt slides.
A presentation on your proposed ESD Change Project with:
Please submit your Assignment below.